Tuesday, June 26, 2012

FYI and Today's Workout

I just wanted to let everyone know that although I posted all of these workouts in one day, I did not do them all in one day.  I have been trying them out over the past few days.  :)  I'm not that motivated!!!

Today, I wanted to focus more on strength and less on cardio.  I started my workout with 5 times up and down the stairs in my house to warm up.  I then took a brisk, short walk up and down a couple hills in my neighborhood (maybe a 5 to 10 minute walk).  

When I got back, I did the following workout (I kind of just made it up after reading a few different ideas and watching some people at the gym):

20 Squat Sweeps
30 Lunges each leg (with five pound weights in each hand)
30 Calf Raises (with five pound weights in each hand)
1 minute Wall Sit
100 Jumping Jacks
1 minute Wall Sit
40 Squats with 20 pound weight
30 Lunges each let (with five pound weights in each hand)
30 Calf Raises (with five pound weights in each hand)
20 Squat Sweeps

Then I did a butt workout from this website.

(I used a 20 pound weight for the first exercise.  If you go to the website, each picture will show you the move over and over again.  Helpful!)

Cool down:

5 times up and down the stairs again.
Light Stretching.

Verdict:  My legs were pretty tired during the wall sits, but it wasn't too difficult overall.   The end was harder, and the 5 times up and down stairs at the end was a little difficult for my legs.  Decent workout, but tomorrow I will be able to tell how much it worked out my thighs and butt compared to my usual gym leg workout of squats (115 pounds) and lunges.

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