Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My First HIIT Workout

I have just starting learning about HIIT workouts.  So far I have only tried one.  

Here is the HIIT workout I tried at home.  It is the HIIT workout designed by Jessica Smith.  The site is extra helpful because it shows you how to do each exercise properly.  This specific workout alternates between a minute of high intensity and two minutes of moderate intensity.  With this kind of workout, it is suggested that you only do it a couple of times a week, or if you are in great shape three times a week.  

5 minute warm up (I went for a short jog outside)

1 minute lateral burpees
2 minutes jumping jacks
1 minute mountain climbers
2 minute high knee march
1 minute squat sweep
2 minute toe jacks

Repeat the interval set for a total of 2 or 3 times.

Cool down (I went for another short jog and then stretched)

This HIIT workout was more intense than I thought.  It killed my shoulders and core while I was doing it.  I really thought I would have no problem getting through the workout three times because I feel like I am in decent cardio shape.  I have to admit, I only got through it twice.  Each interval section is 9 minutes, so two times gives you 18 minutes and three gives you 27 minutes.  

The ten minutes of warm up/cool down plus the 18 minutes of intervals seemed to be a decent workout for the morning.  My whole body was sore by the evening (okay, shoulders, chest, back, hips, and core...close enough?).  Does anyone have much experience or advice with HIIT workouts?  

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