Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tabata Rounds - 2 Cardio, 1 Core Strength, 2 Cardio, 1 Core Strength

I tried a new workout at home this morning.  It got my heart rate up pretty well and worked my core!  I got the workout from Lindsay at theleangreenbean.com.  She called it  Rev and Recover Tabata Workout, which I thought was pretty appropriate.  The hardest thing was that there are no rests in between, so it was difficult to keep the timer right.

Round 1 (20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each x 4)
Scissor Jumps

Round 2 (20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each x 4)
Reverse Lunges
Squat Jumps

Round 3 (20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each x 4)
Russian Twists
Leg Lifts

Round 4 (20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each x 4)
Mountain Climbers
Push Ups with Donkey Kicks

Round 5 (20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each x 4)
Line Jumps
Side to Side Shuffles

Round 6 (20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each x 4)
Reverse Crunch with lift
Bicycle Crunches (Lindsay has toe touches here, but I wasn't sure what she meant by that so I just did bicycle crunches)

This took about 24 minutes altogether.  It got my heart rate up to about 160 - 180 during the tabata rounds.  Not too bad.  :)

I finished with some lunges with light weight, bicep curls, tricep extensions, light weight dead lifts, and calf lifts.  Decent full body workout for a short amount of time and completed at home.  

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