Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week of Compassion and a Freebie!

This week our school did a whole week of compassion.  It was so fun.  We kicked off the week last Friday with a convocation on kindness (and a dance party).  Then Monday the K-2 classes watched a short movie about teasing and how bystanders can make a difference.  Each day we wore a different color for compassion.

Monday - Blue to keep the blues away
Tuesday - School Spirit Wear (okay, so this isn't a color, but close enough)
Wednesday - Yellow to make new friends
Thursday - Green for pay it forward (this also went with a bracelet that the kids passed as they did something kind for another student then that student would pass it on)
Friday - Red for compassion

We also did several activities throughout the week.  We made a compassion quilt with the whole school, we made thank you cards for the people who help in our school, we had guests come in and talk about compassion, we read stories, we had discussions, we had a door decorating contest, and each class made a compassion flag for two students to carry during our compassion parade.

I thought our door for compassion turned out really cute, so I wanted to share this.  AND I ACTUALLY THOUGHT OF THIS ON MY OWN.  Now, I am not saying that I was the first one to do this (I have no idea), but I did not get my inspiration from Pinterest.  I thought of it while I was sitting in my classroom after school one just came to me!  I couldn't believe how cute it turned out.  I am NOT CRAFTY OR CREATIVE.  It's my biggest flaw being a kinder teacher.  I always try though!!

Here is my door.:

And here is a close up of the hearts:

I had each student do one hand print, so they had to work together to make one heart.  Luckily, I have some super helpers during the day so this craft was easy to manage.  

Also, since yesterday was Valentine's Day (and with the snow, the buses at school were all late...yeah, late on Valentine's Day), I did not have time to create a new freebie, so I am just going to feature one of my old freebies from my store.

Here is my featured freebie for the week:

Happy weekend!  :)

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