Sunday, February 2, 2014

No Pressure

There is nothing like doing things on your own time, without anyone's expectations, and without any pressure to do things a certain way.  In today's world, or at least in my life, I feel like this rarely happens.  You always have some sort of time restraint and someone always has a certain expectation (most likely, it's yourself).  Well, yesterday was Saturday and my husband was working all day at the lab (yes, I know, sad for him and I shouldn't be happy that I had a day to myself...), but I had no concrete plans and nothing that HAD to get done.

So I woke up early, because I always wake up early, and decided to work a bit on a new idea I had during the night.  I wanted to create easy, printable pages that were super engaging for a few math and literacy standards.  I don't know about you, but two things my kids LOVE is using spinners (even the kind with pencils and paper clips) and bingo dauber markers.  I have no idea what is so appealing about those things, but they really like using them.  I guess it is that they are different than normal markers, crayons, and pencils.  Regardless, they encourage my students to be very engaged.  Here is what I came up with:

Each page has a spinner in the top right hand corner and each answer is inside of a small bubble.
(Oh, and I have finally figured out how to include what the pages look like in my post!!!!!  YAY!  I am not sure if I feel proud that I figured it out or embarrassed that it took me this long.....)  Here is what a few of the pages look like.

Anyway, back to the no pressure thing, before I finished (yeah, I just left right in the middle of everything I was doing) I went to the gym.  I love going to the gym on my own time and NOT AT 5:30 a.m. like I usually do.  Getting up and heading to the gym at 5:30 on Monday mornings is the worst feeling in the whole world not very fun.  But yesterday, I went around 10:15 and didn't have any specific workout I wanted to do.  So when I got there, I ran.  I was only going to run a mile or two, but once I got going (I wasn't going to do any intervals, I wasn't keeping track of my speed, and it didn't matter how far I went), it felt SO GOOD.  Running can be such a freeing experience when you have no pressure.  It is so much more fun.  I ran for a little over an hour, and it was a whole lot more fun than 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill.  Then I spent about 45 minutes lifting some weights, and again there was no pressure.  It was just a nice trip to the gym!  I wish every day could be like that....

Then I came back home, had lunch, and decided to finish the Print, Spin, and Dot pack.  I didn't HAVE to finish it, I had plenty of time, and I had no where to go.  Did I mention that I feel so much better without any pressure?  I think I do better work without pressure, too.  :)  I think this pack turned out great!  I can't wait to use it with my kids, especially the tens and ones pages (since that's what we have been working so hard on). If you have time, hop on over to my TpT store and check them out.  If you do get them, please leave me feedback.  I would love to hear what you think of them!!

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