Tuesday, January 28, 2014

100th Day and Preparing for Valentine's Day

Hip, hip, hooray!  We made it to 100th day!  Wow, I cannot believe it has already been 100 days.   And to be honest, we've had so many two hour delays lately....it seems funny to call it the 100th day.  Anyway, today was a BLAST!  My kids had so much fun showing off their 100 collections, making a 100th day snack, and creating a 100th day crown.  My 100th day ideas are not MY ideas...they are a collection of favorite activities I have found from others throughout the past couple of years.  I will do my best to show you my favorite activities and give credit where credit is due!

The 100th day crown came from Fran Kramer at Kindergarten Crayons.  She has great ideas for the 100th day of school, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE making this crown with my kids.  This is my second year to use it, and they just turn out so darn cute.  I wish I would have taken some pictures of my kids today but my room was total choas  a little crazy at the end of the day...  Anyway, here are Fran's crowns.

Aren't they ADORABLE?!!!  They truly are.  :)  Click the picture above to head over to her blog and get your own copy.

The 100th day snack came from Little Miss Kindergarten.  She has an adorable, free printable that is perfect for letting students mix their own 100th day snack.  I personally have the kids fill it out first, and we count to 100 by tens.  I then give each of my students has their own Ziploc bag.  The students rotate (teacher directed) to each table where there are two bowls of different snacks and count out ten of each snack.  (Oh, yeah, and this is after A LOT of rules and procedures...and a lot of reminders not to lick your fingers...) After the students are done, they EAT their 100 items!  :)  The kids LOVE getting to make their own snack.  So fun!

Click the picture above to go to Little Miss Kindergarten's TpT page and grab a copy for yourself!

I also used a few printables from Mrs. Jones' Creation Station's 100th Day of School Pack.  We would have done more, but that two hour delay really got in the way.  Anyway, you should check out her pack - it's great!

Click the picture above to check out her pack.  I promise, you won't be disappointed!  :)

Okay, with all of these two hour delays and STILL HAVING TO BE AT WORK AT THE SAME TIME, I have been planning pretty far ahead.  I am getting my stuff ready for Valentine's Day.  One of the standards we are working on right now is CCSS.Math.Content.K.NBT.A.1....you know, the one's about tens and ones?  

If you don't know, this is what it actually says:

 Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 into ten ones and some further ones, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each composition or decomposition by a drawing or equation (such as 18 = 10 + 8); understand that these numbers are composed of ten ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones.

Man, that's soooo wordy.  Anyway, I wanted to create a Valentine's themed center for my kids to work on tens and ones....so in my extra two hours of prep this morning, that's what I did!

Here it is....there are 22 pages and it's only $1.00.  If you're interested, hop over to my TpT store and check it out.  If you download it, please leave me some feedback.  I really value your opinions - they help me get better!  Thanks!

Click on the picture to check it out.  While you're there, you might want to checkout my freebies page...I have spent TONS of time updating them.  Have a great evening!

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