Friday, January 31, 2014

Valentine's Day Giveaway!

Remember the Valentine's Day Giveaway I was telling you about before?  IT IS NOW LIVE!  It's my very first giveaway, and Kelsea over at Teacher Gems did a FANTASTIC JOB of putting all of it together.  There is something for all elementary teachers and even some middle school teachers - EVERY GRADE K TO 8!   There are 3 Valentine's themed prize packs in this giveaway. The first prize pack includes products for grades K-2 (21 prizes valued at $75). The second prize pack includes 21 products for grades 3-5 (valued at about $60). The third prize pack includes 22 products for grades 6-8 along with some clip art and a $10 winner's choice item (over $65 in prizes).  

Head over to Kelsea's page to enter any or all of the giveaways!  Good luck!  (Although, I am actually planning on entering myself.....hey, I can't help it, there's a lot of really good stuff in there.)  

Oh, and the winners will be announced on February 5th!  Can't wait.  :)

What are you doing still reading this?!  Go enter!

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