Thursday, January 23, 2014


We have already had two, two hour delays for this week...and we are going to have another one tomorrow!  All because of the cold weather.  The wind chill was nearly -20 degrees today!  Holy cow, it was cold.  It was the kind of cold where you go outside and it takes your breath away.  I felt so bad for my little kinders waiting for the buses, even if it was a couple of hours later.  The wind chill was still way below freezing.  All these two hour delays are adding up though...I'm afraid we are going to start forgetting things!  And next week is supposed to be just as cold....ANDDDDDDDD it's still January.  I think this winter is going to be a rough one.  

Actually, my kinders are doing really well.  I am surprised with how they are sounding out words, learning their sight words, really writing sentences and sort-of stories, and starting to do addition.  Bottom line:  I'm impressed with my class this year.  :)  They are just so smart. :D

I am doing a lot of spiraling in my centers this year, and it is really paying off.  So although we hit patterns pretty hard at the beginning of the year, I am planning on going back and having them do some independent practice as a center (they will only do it once - my centers are set up so that they only do one center per day for a total of five math centers throughout the week).  We do large group instruction and independent practice as well, as part of our curriculum.  

Anyway, I decided to spruce up my pattern cut and paste activities and reload them on TpT.  If you purchased my old set, please go download the new one.  You will get a few more cut and paste activities.  I am planning on just doing the review one since we are all pretty good at patterns, but there are six pages to choose from.  :) 

Click here to check them out.  

If you download, please leave some feedback to help me out!  Thanks so much!  Enjoy!

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