Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's been a few days...

It has been a few days since I have blogged... but, I have been working hard on updating some of my teacherspayteachers.com stuff!  It was long overdue.  I kind of started a TpT account and uploaded some of the things in my classroom, and then, honestly, kind of forgot about it.  I did okay.  My products were average - things I REALLY did use in my classroom and think were valuable, but they weren't anything fancy or very cute.  Now that I am learning more about how to design and make products, I am updating some of the files.  They are much better.  :)

In class, we have been talking about and studying penguins.  We did some writing today, and the kids already have learned so much about penguins.  It was wonderful to see what all they wanted to include in their writing.

Tomorrow we are going to have "Penguin Pies" for our afternoon snack.  They aren't actually pies, and they aren't shaped like penguins.  However, they are COLD and BLACK AND WHITE - JUST LIKE PENGUINS!  They are actually ice cream bars covered in chocolate!

I found this idea on another blog that I love, What the Teacher Wants.  Head over to her blog about Penguin Pies and grab her freebie!

Here is how it will work in my classroom:

Every child will have their own ice cream bar waiting for them when we return from specials.  The kids will sit on their hands while they first observe the ice cream bar with their eyes.  After that, the students will pick it up, touch it, smell it, listen to it, etc... Then they will all put it back down, and we will go through the first five questions on Penguin Pie sheet (from What the Teacher Wants) together.  The students will do their best to record their answers on the lines provided.  We will do this quickly so our snack doesn't melt!  Next, we will get to taste one bite and answer number six.  Finally we will get to count the number of bites it will take us to eat them...(I am not sure how well this will work, but we'll do our best!).

I am so excited to do this activity with my kids tomorrow.  Thanks so much to the ladies over at What the Teacher Wants for the idea and free printable!!

Click here to get to the printable!

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