Saturday, January 11, 2014

Work, Workout, Repeat

Happy Saturday!  I have spent most of the morning working on things for school.  About 10:00 a.m.  I decided it would be a good idea to go to the gym.  Now, I go to the rec center, and it is always FULL of people watching kids play basketball games.  The center hosts a lot of tournaments and such.  So, I knew that it would be busy.  However, there were NO parking spaces.  I circled the huge lot 3 times and couldn't find a spot.  I got frustrated and just went  home.  I decided I would just do an at home workout instead.

So I thought I'd post about my workout today.

First I created a lower body workout.  It's pretty simple.  I repeated each move 20 times, then repeated the whole thing two more times (a total of three rounds).

1. Squat with 20 lbs weight
2. Lung Kick (R)
3.  Lung Kick (L)
4. Lung Jumps (1 rep equals one on both legs)
5. Side Plank Twist (R)
6. Side Plank Twist (L)
7. Low Jacks
8. Plank Jacks
9.  Side Lung with Knee Twist with 8 lbs weight (lunge to the R)
10. Side Lung with Knee Twist with 8 lbs weight (lunge to the L)

It got my heart rate up and tired out my legs.  I felt like it was a pretty decent workout.  You could do 10 or 15 reps of each move if you feel like it is too much.  I also did the side plank twists on my elbow instead of my hand....I kept hearing some weird popping noise in my shoulder.  Bottom line:  Listen to YOUR body and do what is best for you.  Injury is not fun and is definitely not going to help you on your fitness journey.

I followed this with Melissa Bender's 5 Minute Arm Workout.   I also did some bicep curls and dumbbell weights (8 lbs weights) for good measure.

Now I am back to working on my computer....and I left the weights out in case I feel like doing a little more arms this afternoon...maybe.  We'll see. ;)

Enjoy your Saturday!

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