Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Our 10,000th Day Without Outside Recess...

Okay, okay, so it hasn't been 10,000 days since we've had recess (especially since yesterday was the 100th day of school...), but it SURE FEELS LIKE IT.  My kids are way out of whack, and I think they are going a little stir crazy.  I am thinking that tomorrow we will get to go back outside - HOORAY!!! It will be cold, but it will be totally worth it!

I thought today might be an appropriate day to share some of my favorite brain break stuff that helps get all of the wiggles and ants in the pants least temporarily.  I use my projector almost every day for at least one brain break, and I rely on YouTube a lot.  Here is a list of my FAVORITE BRAIN BREAKS!

Numbers in the Teens is a catchy song that my kids love to sing along with and wiggle with.  Plus, it's a sneaky way to get kids to remember to put the 1 FIRST when they write their teen numbers.  It really does help!

Harry Kindergarten's I Can Count to 100 is a great sing along that I let the kids stand up to sing/dance to as they count.  Even though most of my kids have no problem counting to 100, this is still a great brain break song and it allows those kids who cannot yet count to 100 practice without being singled out.

MY KIDS LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE THIS SONG!  Honestly, they love all of the just dance videos, but for some reason this is like their all-time favorite.  It is so does tend to get stuck in my head, but it doesn't bother me...I kinda like it, but let's just keep that on the DL. ;)

The Hamster Song is another goodie that they always love. It is cute and fun - half of my kids are convinced the song is in another language though...

I also really like silent follow the leader (mostly because it gives me a few moments where literally NO ONE IS TALKING - I mean, how often does that happen?).  This is when the kids spread out and do what I do.  The only rule?  NO TALKING.  I like to do all kinds of different things.  Raise my hands, spin around, jumping jacks, act like I'm riding a roller coaster, turning myself (and everyone else) into teapots, and patting my head while rubbing my belly and then SWITCHING!  :)  My kids are getting really good at that....too bad that's not something we test...  I would show major growth.  

Well, I hope wherever you are it is warming up to and you will have OUTDOOR RECESS tomorrow!  If not, maybe you can use some of my favorite brain breaks to give you your kids a mental break!  Happy hump day! 

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