Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sequential Writing

The common core standards for writing in kindergarten everything are pretty in tense.  First of all, they are super wordy, so it always takes me at least two reads to understand the standard.  You'd think if  they expect us to keep all of these standards in our heads as we teach every day, they would want them to be simpler and a little more to the point.  But, I guess they want to be absolutely sure everyone understands the standard the same way....I get it.  It is just annoying a little bit frustrating.

Anyway, I am trying to make sure I hit all of the writing common core standards right now, and I feel like my students are lacking in W.K.3.  And I know you all probably have it memorized, but just in case you forgot a few words, here it is:

  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.3 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.

Basically, it's sequential writing (and, yes, adding detail to each event).  I looked around for some organizers that I liked for kindergarten and couldn't really find much, so I made some of my own.  I think they turned out pretty good and I am excited to use them with my kinders in the next couple of weeks.  Want to see????  Well, I am not smart enough to paste pictures of the organizers themselves, so you are going to have to venture over to my TpT store to check out the actual pages...I can only post the picture of the cover.  I know, convenient, right?

Click the picture to head over to my store to check out the organizers.  I hope you find them helpful.  I'll let you know how they go. 

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