Thursday, January 9, 2014

First Day Back

Wow!  Today has been crazy busy.  It was a two hour delay, but teachers in our district still have to be there at the same time...  So, I was there by 8:00 a.m.  Today was also my first day for my student teacher!  I had not met her before today, but good news, I think she'll be great!  :)  This is the first time I have ever had a student teacher, so I'm equal parts nervous and excited.  Anyway, the majority of the time this morning I spent showing her around my room and the school, filling her in about my classroom (the way it runs, my lesson plans, my kids, etc...), and also trying to keep myself reigned in enough not to overwhelm her....I don't know how well I did on that.  I already sent her home with a couple of professional books to read.  I am not sure what books are the best for students teachers.   I just sent her home with a couple of ones that I personally believe are valuable.  Do any of you have suggestions of good books for student teachers?  If so, please leave a comment.  I am definitely open to suggestions.

Anyway, today I also decided to revamp ALL of my homework.  I got back from school today about 5:00, and I have been working on this packet ever since.  I am going to have my students work on mastering word lists.  I would really like to explain them right now, but I think I am just going to have to leave a link to my TpT store for you to check it out on your eyes won't quit watering.  I think that means I have been staring at the screen far too long.  I am going to spend what is left of the evening curled up next to my husband on the couch.  :)

Click HERE to check it out!  :) 

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